Ontem foi o equinócio de Primavera, com a entrada do Sol em Carneiro e hoje temos uma Lua Nova em Carneiro. As palavras chave aqui são: Duplo Novo Começo!
E para aquecer verdadeiramente esta atmosfera de grande mudança temos cinco planetas em Carneiro que encorajam fortemente a impulsividade. No entanto, apesar de Júpiter estar em Carneiro ele faz um semi-quadrado a Saturno em Peixes no mesmo dia, lembrando-nos que não podemos agir corajosamente no momento presente, ignorando ao mesmo tempo a sabedoria estabilizadora da compaixão.
Esta Lua Nova tem uma energia de resolução de conflitos com compaixão, mudanças aceleradas (que nos podem causar desconforto) e um duplo novo começo. É tempo de perdoar e soltar o passado para podermos semear o futuro que nos bate à porta com este Duplo Novo Começo.
Março é o mês mais marcante deste ano, mas lá porque agora a roda começou a girar freneticamente isso não quer dizer que vamos correr para o futuro e atiramos o passado para trás... a mudança pode ser forte e acelerada mas os progressos serão lentos no início.
E nada melhor que a Mandorla (centro da Vesica Piscis) para representar este duplo novo começo.
Yesterday was the Spring Equinox, with the Sun entering Aries and today we have a New Moon in Aries. The key words here are: Double New Beginnings!
And to really warm up this atmosphere of great change we have five planets in Aries which strongly encourage impulsiveness. However, although Jupiter is in Aries it makes a semi-square to Saturn in Pisces on the same day, reminding us that we cannot act boldly in the present moment while ignoring the stabilising wisdom of compassion.
This New Moon has an energy of conflict resolution with compassion, accelerated change (which can cause us discomfort) and a double new beginning. It's time to forgive and let go of the past so that we can sow the future that is knocking on our door with this Double New Beginning.
March is the most defining month of this year, but just because the wheel has now started spinning frantically that doesn't mean we will rush into the future and throw the past behind us... change may be strong and accelerated but progress will be slow at first.
And to really warm up this atmosphere of great change we have five planets in Aries which strongly encourage impulsiveness. However, although Jupiter is in Aries it makes a semi-square to Saturn in Pisces on the same day, reminding us that we cannot act boldly in the present moment while ignoring the stabilising wisdom of compassion.
This New Moon has an energy of conflict resolution with compassion, accelerated change (which can cause us discomfort) and a double new beginning. It's time to forgive and let go of the past so that we can sow the future that is knocking on our door with this Double New Beginning.
March is the most defining month of this year, but just because the wheel has now started spinning frantically that doesn't mean we will rush into the future and throw the past behind us... change may be strong and accelerated but progress will be slow at first.
And nothing better than Mandorla (Vesica Piscis center) to symbolise a doble new beginning.
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Mandorla - Autora/Author: Alice |